Unusual software bugs
A re a class of software bugs that are considered exceptionally difficult to understand and repair. There are several kinds, mostly named after scientists who discovered counterintuitive things. Heisenbug A heisenbug (named after the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle ) is a computer bug that disappears or alters its characteristics when an attempt is made to study it. One common example is a bug that occurs in the released version compile of a program, but not in a debug-mode version. Another example is a bug caused by a race condition. A heisenbug may also appear in a system that does not conform to the command-query separation design gu Bohrbug A Bohr bug or bohrbug (named after the Bohr atom model ) is a bug that makes itself manifest consistently under a well-defined (but possibly unknown) set of conditions. Thus, in contrast with heisenbugs, a bohrbug does not disappear or alter its characteristics when it is researched. These include the easiest bugs to fix (where the natu...