
Showing posts from October, 2011

How to enable pdb autocomplete?

In a pdb session, just type: import rlcompleter pdb.Pdb.complete=rlcompleter.Completer(locals()).complete But if you use, ipdb, you dont need to import rlcompleter. Thanks to scooby that pointed this out

New wallpaper!


Counting a project line of codes with Console

find . -name "*.py" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l For the actual repo ninja-ide (pull date: 21/11/11), its   17121 LoC Ninja-IDE (pull date: 27/10/11), 16562 LoC

Show hidden files in Mac Os Lion

Open Terminal and run: $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Relaunch Finder (hold alt key and right click on Finder, then Relaunch) To hide this files again run in Terminal: $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO and also relaunch Finder as above. source

Tips to register and protect your nickname on IRC By miltonpaiva

Connect to the IRC server and type the following: To register: /msg nickserv register (you will receive a /msg-something confirmation) To avoid other users to use your nickname: /msg NickServ set enforce on To identify your nickname: /msg nickserv identify source

Great songs i've never known their names

The Traveling Wilburys - Not Alone Any More Kiss - Creatures of the Night Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Runnin' Down a Dream The Shocker - Steel Panther The Rolling Stones - Mixed Emotions Franz Ferdinand - Walk Away David Guetta Feat. Jennifer Hudson - Night Of Your Life Eric Clapton - Forever Man Fat Boy Slim - Praise You Great White - Since I've Been Loving You Bruce Dickinson - Tears of the Dragon AC/DC - Go Down The Dandy Warlhols - The Last High Rush - Manhattan Project Glenn Fey - The Heat Is On Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers Deep Purple - Knocking At Your Back Door Deep Purple - Black Night Rise Against - Re-Educaction (Through Labor) Air Supply - Lost In Love Starship - We Built This City on RockNRoll

How to uninstall XCode4 from Mac OS X Lion

So i had an old version of XCode on my computer, and i tried upgrading it with the new mac app store, and it didn’t work. I wanted to uninstall it and then reinstall it using the app store, but they of course don’t have an option to UNINSTALL apps using the app store Google tells me to just delete the app and then you can click ‘install’ again on the purchases tab in the app store, but since this is xcode, you can’t just drag an application to the trash. You have to run a command using Terminal. So, open terminal and type: sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all The directory MIGHT be different, but for me it installed it to /Developer . Anyway, it should list all the packages and then say it deleted them. I restarted my mac just to be safe. THEN, if it STILL says that xcode is installed, you need to delete the installer from /Applications (different from the Applications folder in your home folder). Go Macintosh HD/Applications and there should be a file called ...

Cómo escuchar la siempreRock 97.5 por internet usando Vlc

Click en " File ", luego en " Open Network " Pega la url en el campo de texto, " "

Set (or change ) the hostname - Mac Os Lion

Open " System Preferences " Click on " Sharing " icon Edit the field " Computer Name " with your new hostname Actually this is very useful, because now you can see your device listed in the DHCP list at the router configuration.