Detailed Interaction Design
The information that a website or application can exhibit to an user can be organised in different ways. A user navigates looking for information with a specific objective. The easier and faster he finds the information, the greater the satisfaction and productivity will be. For this reason is that we should facilitate tools that aid the user to achieve his goals. Navigation menus is one of the tools that facilitates the user to navigate inside the information architecture of website using dialog boxes, "boxes" (can be of any shape), images or even also simply text. L ets illustrate an hypothetical situation where a customer wants a to buy a product from a company A. This company has one of the best products in the market. Their website contains lot of information regarding the products offered and the company itself but the data is unstructured and it is presented into single page. On the other side of the river, the competence B, has a well organised site with a simple top ...